MOUNT A FLOPPY AIX 4.3 Article 1 TITLE : Howto create a JFS filesystem on a floppy diskette. OS LEVEL : AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5.1.0 DATE : 09/11/2001 VERSION : 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The undocumented option nointegrity of /usr/sbin/mount allows us to use floppy disks (and maybe other removable media) as read/write jfs filesystems under AIX 4.3.3: 1) Insert formatted floppy into drive 2) mkfs -V jfs /dev/fd0 Device /dev/fd0: Standard empty filesystem Size: 2880 512-byte (UBSIZE) blocks Initial Inodes: 512 3) mount -o nointegrity /dev/fd0 /mnt You can even automount it with an appropriate entry in /etc/auto_direct: /floppy -fstype=jfs,rmv,nointegrity :/dev/fd0 Article 2 Q how do I mount the floppy drive in AIX 4.3.3? A1 You don't. Use the dosread/doswrite commands to treat it as a DOS floppy, or tar/cpio/etc. A2 If you really want a filesystem then: TITLE : Howto make a read only filesystem on a floppy diskette. OS LEVEL : AIX DATE : 17/01/99 VERSION : 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can build a filesystem on a floppy and mount it, however the filesystem will be read only. The reason that the filesystem will be read only is because AIX cannot create a journal log on a diskette. The intended use is for temporary access to read only data. The diskette file system must be unmounted after use and during system backup procedures or errors could occur. To make the read only filesystem on a floppy: 1. Make a subdirectory on an existing filesystem and place all of the files that the diskette will contain into this subdirectory. 2. Enter the following command to create a prototype file containing information about the new filesystem, in the example /dir_struct is the pathname of the subdirectory created in step 1, and proto_filename is the name of the prototype file to be created. proto /dir_struct > proto_filename 3. Place a formatted floppy into the drive. 4. Edit the prototype file and replace the first line with the following: 0 0 5. Enter the following command to make the filesystem on your floppy: mkfs -p proto_filename -V jfs /dev/fd0 6. Create the directory upon which you will mount the floppy based filesystem, or you can use /mnt. Mount the filesystem: mount -r -V jfs /dev/fd0 /your_mount_point 7. To unmount the filesystem: umount /dev/fd0 Article 3 Q Insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk drive. Execute the following command in order to mount the floppy disk to a fs: #mkfs -V jfs /dev/fd0 mkfs: destroy /dev/fd0 (yes)? y Device /dev/fd0: Standard empty filesystem Size: 2880 512-byte (UBSIZE) blocks Initial Inodes: 512 #mkdir /flo #mount -o nointegrity /dev/fd0 /flo mount: 0506-324 Cannot mount /dev/fd0 on /flo: There is an input or output error. Then i attempt to read file in the floppy disk: #dosread -D /dev/fd0 readme.txt chap.txt read: /dev/fd0: There is an input or output error. Abort, Retry, Ignore? Why the "mount" and "dosread" all fail ? (In Windows 2000 Server, the files in the floppy disk could be successfully read out). A1 Looks to me like you destroyed the layout of the floppy disk when you were asked to destroy it. You shouldn't be mounting a floppy disk anyway. Use the dosread, dosdir, and doswrite commands to perform operations on the floppy drive. A2 You can also use the mtools that comes with AIX 5. With mtools, you have commands available that emulate old dos commands: mdir mformat mcopy mmove mmd mattrib All you do is reference the floppy drive like a dos drive letter, ie "mcopy file.txt a:" or "mdir a:".